The Beryl Thyer Memorial Africa Trust

The pictures above are of Omaruru, before and after treatment. The cost? £ save a life!
What we do:
"BTMAT is the only Charity providing investigation, treatment, and follow-up, free of all charge, for children with this horrific cancer (Burkitt's Lymphoma)"

Our successes:
"Since 2002 we have treated more than 500 cases of Burkitt's Lymphoma. Sixty percent (300 children) are alive and well. We are looking for even better statistics, which will bring us close to what is achievable in the developed world"

How much does the treatment cost?
"If a child is young, and free of other diseases, and lives near to one of our hospitals, we stand a good chance of curing that child for £50. If the child is older, has other things wrong, and comes from a greater distance, and did not present early; that child might cost £100 for their cure. Either way this is nothing compared to what it would cost in the UK and USA"

How much funding does BTMAT need?
"BTMAT at present has to raise £10,000 per year to maintain the work at our three hospitals"